REPLIK’S bass sounds range from slimy 808 type sounds to very futuristic type bass sounds. So when we select 1 of the bass tones we can shape the 5 layers that make up that 1 bass tone to our liking by using the onboard GUI. This means we can tweak 1 bass sound from 5 different layers. Roland D50 Vst Free Download Roland is offering a 30 day trial of the Roland Cloud. REPLIK has 10 different bass tone presets and each of the 10 bass tone presets have 5 bass type sounds that make up that 1 preset sound. Moog Mother-32 Expressive Bass FREE (10 pratches) by Anton Anru. To shape a selected bass sound to something more suitable to taste. REPLIK is a bass engine that allows for it’s user REPLIK is a futuristic type of plug-in for any producer of any caliber. Model E is a classic analog synth with ultra-low CPU load.

DopeSONIX is an independent software company that specializes in manufacturing innovative production tools such as VST effects and VSTi instruments for Hip Hop producers of all levels and abilities.“Reflekt Audio & DanFur Music teamed up yet again to bring music makers across the globe a new heavy hitting plug-in called REPLIK! Ample Bass P Lite II aims to bring the Fender Precision Bass sound to your studio.